Monday, March 16, 2009


Name: Ithilya
Nicknames: Ilya, Pet
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Height: 6'
Weight: 125 LB

As young as this Draenei looks, she is likely still considered a child by her people. Her body is only starting to show the curvature of womanhood, and she is short in stature. Her horns do not seem to be fully grown in.

Her alabaster skin is completely unblemished, and her curly dark blue hair is unruly and only kept off her face by her horns and headband.

She still wears the clothing of a squire, and is most definitely still in training. She has yet to develop the musculature that her training will later provide, still extremely slender.

She seems quiet and somewhat withdrawn, beyond shy. Judging by her movements when interacting with others, she is incredibly timid and meek.


Born in the middle of the night, Ithilya's alabaster skin seemed to glow in the moonlight, leading her parents to call her Ithilya (meaning "Touched by the Moon").

Orphaned as an infant when her merchant parents were attacked on their way to a nearby town, Ithilya grew up in an orphanage.

When a kind Vindicator (paladin) came to pay a visit to the orphanage and spend time with the neglected children, Ithilya was enthralled and immediately decided she wanted to be one when she grew up.