Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Name: Ilmarë Valanya Singollo
Nicknames: Betty
Title: Priestess of the Moon
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160 LB

This priestess looks young, especially for one with the accomplishments she is rumored to have accumulated. Her face is usually graced with a soft smile, her sapphire eyes crinkled slightly at the edges.

She radiates of peacefulness and seems to have a calming influence on those around her. Her curly auburn hair frames her face and tumbles about her shoulders.

Her frame is slender, but not to the point of appearing fragile. Like most humans, she is curvaceous. Her skin is lightly tanned, and no scars seem to mar the surface.

She is adorned with a mantle denoting her as a Priestess of the Temple of the Moon, quite unusual for a human. When not wearing gloves, one will notice a simple gold wedding band on her left ring finger.


Found on the steps of the Stormwind Cathedral by Brother Joshua with a note attached tha said "Ilmarë Valanya", the baby had an unusual aura surrounding her.

The monk felt compelled to raise her instead of putting her in the orphanage and went to Northshire Abbey, where she grew up. Feeling her name sounded too serious for such a happy child, they nicknamed her "Betty."

Growing up, she had a best friend, Leithian, who was the daughter of the local blacksmith. Both girls proved adept at wielding holy magicks, but in different ways; Leithian began training as a paladin, while Betty trained as a priestess.

In her mid-teens shortly after the Third War, Betty felt a calling to travel. Following the urges, she eventually found herself in Night Elven lands. The feeling grew stronger as she approached the relatively new tree of Teldrassil; upon setting foot in the Temple of the Moon, she immediately felt a sense of calm and, for lack of better words, "being home".

Tyrande talked to the young priestess, and after hearing her story, said that Elune had plans for the girl. The High Priestess continued Betty's training where the monks left off, as well as sending her to help the citizens in the coastal town of Auberdine.

Betty worked hard to prove herself to the aloof Night Elves and eventually won over many, including Tyrande. During her work in Auberdine, she met a Night Elf hunter named Aíwendîl, who became her traveling companion.

She eventually was given the privilege to wear a mantle of a priestess of Elune. She and Aíwendîl were later married by the High Priestess herself in a ceremony only attended by a select few.

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