Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Name: Mëlian Singollo
Nicknames: Mel
Eye Color: Amber
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 225 LB

The moment you lay eyes on her, you can tell two things about Mëlian; she is old, and she is a druid. Everything about her cries out her ancient history communing with nature.

Her cropped navy hair is kept tucked behind her long blue-violet ears, out of her way. She is usually seen in what one can only surmise is her battle gear; it is well-worn and comfortable, yet still protective and strong. Her staff is never far from her side, even though she would rather use claws and teeth in a fight than anything else.

Her eyes are a light amber from her millenia studying the druidic path, and she moves as if one with her environment.

Birthplace: Eldre'Thalas


A student of the arcane, a Highborne, Mëlian is the only one of her family to forsake the path of magicks upon the destruction of the Well of Eternity. She was one of Malfurion's first students.

She was awoken from the Emerald Dream by her rogue husband, Elwë.

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